Amazing how much my life has changed since I was last on this blog back in May 2007. Only 2 months after my last post my life would take a traumatic turn for the worse. My life would be forever changed. I would be forever changed. Little did I know I would spend the rest of my life dealing with HUGE grief. Grief over losing my beloved teenage son Andrew, my hero, my teacher, my best friend.
The only reason I am even writing here, is that for some reason when I went to get on my other blog on here, "Mastering Astral Travel in 90 Days," the Opera web browser took me here. So here I am writing a post. Not that anyone reads this anyway but what the hell. If anyone stumbles upon this by accident, I blog now on that is where our entire journey with Andrew is. From his leukemia diagnosis, his 4 month treatment, his passing, and our continued journey with him.
Who knows, maybe I'll keep coming here every now and then to just babble on about something. A place to vent. We'll shall see. Then again I don't remember my login or anything for this, so this could be the last post. Like it matters. IT'S ALL GOOD!