Tuesday May 8, 2007
Category: Life
What do they have in common?? ME!!
This is about our near death experience in Hollywood near hwy 101. And by near death, I mean it's my family's account of the events that occurred. My take is that it was nothng more than a minor traffic altercation. My family are a bunch of drama queens. My dear soul sister K-ann, a fellow Hollywood Ho, dropped us off at the Hollywood sign to pick up our car to finally make our way back to Laguna Beach.
Some how we got lost, it's easy there believe me! It's craziness I tell ya! So as I'm trying to read the sign of the upcoming light, I slow down slightly, not so much, because the car infront of me is not too far ahead of me. So as I am concentrating soooo hard on which way to go, this f&*#@*#n truck lays on his horn and scares the piss outta me and it really pissed me off! So much so I ever so politely show him my birdie..ok, I flipped his ass off as he zooms by!! BUTTTT he then slams on his brakes so much so there's smoke! And he's stopped where I'll be even with him. So I'm guessing he did NOT appreciate my hand gesture. The Light Worker left me and the Joisey gurl took over.
Well, the family panics as the light is now RED!! Jeezus! WTF? I'm not in Sarasota anymore *There's no place like home, heels click click click* Damn it ain't working! It's been awhile since I've live in Ft. Laud. so I have forgotten about road rage, people just fall asleep while driving in Sarasota. Why don't their lights last longer here dammit! I had to think quick. I saw that there was no one coming up beside me that split second and I just immediately turn right hoping there was no on coming traffic. Note to self, keep eyes open next time to find out.
My daughter informs me that normally she would have my back but this time she was gonna run like like a little girl if he pulled a gun. ANNNND the hubby and son would follow, I've seen them run & they too would run like little girls!! *I tickled myself with that one* A bunch of babies I tell ya! I pulled a cool Starsky and Hutch maneuver if you ask me.
I pulled into a side street to get our bearings & figure out how the hell to find that freakin elusive Hwy 101. Thank Goddess K-ann calls to see where we are, knowing we are probably lost, she's psychic too, and she leads us in the right direction. *Phew* Crisis averted. We all made it to Laguna Beach alive and well with no bullet holes. A good day indeed!
Category: Life
What do they have in common?? ME!!
This is about our near death experience in Hollywood near hwy 101. And by near death, I mean it's my family's account of the events that occurred. My take is that it was nothng more than a minor traffic altercation. My family are a bunch of drama queens. My dear soul sister K-ann, a fellow Hollywood Ho, dropped us off at the Hollywood sign to pick up our car to finally make our way back to Laguna Beach.
Some how we got lost, it's easy there believe me! It's craziness I tell ya! So as I'm trying to read the sign of the upcoming light, I slow down slightly, not so much, because the car infront of me is not too far ahead of me. So as I am concentrating soooo hard on which way to go, this f&*#@*#n truck lays on his horn and scares the piss outta me and it really pissed me off! So much so I ever so politely show him my birdie..ok, I flipped his ass off as he zooms by!! BUTTTT he then slams on his brakes so much so there's smoke! And he's stopped where I'll be even with him. So I'm guessing he did NOT appreciate my hand gesture. The Light Worker left me and the Joisey gurl took over.
Well, the family panics as the light is now RED!! Jeezus! WTF? I'm not in Sarasota anymore *There's no place like home, heels click click click* Damn it ain't working! It's been awhile since I've live in Ft. Laud. so I have forgotten about road rage, people just fall asleep while driving in Sarasota. Why don't their lights last longer here dammit! I had to think quick. I saw that there was no one coming up beside me that split second and I just immediately turn right hoping there was no on coming traffic. Note to self, keep eyes open next time to find out.
My daughter informs me that normally she would have my back but this time she was gonna run like like a little girl if he pulled a gun. ANNNND the hubby and son would follow, I've seen them run & they too would run like little girls!! *I tickled myself with that one* A bunch of babies I tell ya! I pulled a cool Starsky and Hutch maneuver if you ask me.
I pulled into a side street to get our bearings & figure out how the hell to find that freakin elusive Hwy 101. Thank Goddess K-ann calls to see where we are, knowing we are probably lost, she's psychic too, and she leads us in the right direction. *Phew* Crisis averted. We all made it to Laguna Beach alive and well with no bullet holes. A good day indeed!
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