Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Sunday, March 04, 2007

Current mood: giddy

I just couldn't use the Card Me Baby One More Time again. BUT!!!!! I ALMOST got carded again!! Why didn't I??? Because the woman remembered me from over a week ago. Last week, not the day before or from that morning...I don't have a problem or anything. :-) She remembered me from my stunning beauty, yea, that's it! I mean c'mon how many 45 yr.olds does she card??!!

I was only in there because PB had his "bro-mance" (a name for guys who are straight but are like girlfriends) Uh-oh PB is gonna kill me when he reads this one. Jeremy was down from Tampa. He is one of the people whose life was dramatically changed from our store that I mentioned in the last blog. Now where was I...oh yea...we went out to eat while PB took a nap. He prefers napping to eating.

I mention to Jeremy about the amazing delicious tiramazu martinis. He said he liked tiramazu so that sounded interesting. So I looked in my purse for my bartender, Mac's, schedule. Ah hell no! I didn't just say I had my bartender's schedule in my purse! But yay!! He was on!! So away to Manhattan Grill we went.*super hero dash* We get there and Mac sees me and says "I already know what you want" I said, "Make it 2" My son says, "Come in here much??" Hmmm I know it looks like I'm one step away from an AA meeting but I'm not I swear. It's been over a month since I've been in to see Mac.

We only had one as they are freakin expensive! They went up .50 to $8!! There ain't no drink I'm gonna pay $8 for....again! Well, I got Jeremy hooked now so off to Walgreens we go to get the ingredients to make our own. I've been buying a little at a time planning for the big day when I got ALL the ingredients. The shaker first, then the martini glasses, the instant expresso. Now it was time for the big guns! The Frangelica and vanilla vodka oh yea and the half and half too.

So I go to Walgreens and get my goodies, almost got carded, and went home and made some kick ass tiramazu martinis that I shared w/PB's "bro-mance" & watched the Secret! What another great day!! Life is good!


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