Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Current mood: accomplished
Category: Life

YOU must ALLOW yourself to RECEIVE!

I have a weekly Secret conference call every Monday. I started it back in Sept when I heard about The Secret...well, heard about it more. I wanted to start a support group that could help one another HABITUATE the behavior of success. So there is 4 of us that get together every week and talk about our successes and struggles so we can cheer one another on and help remove any blocks we are unable to see for ourselves. We are seeing some great changes in our lives!!

We kick one another's asses if need be. We pick a word for the month for our focus. And this month it was receive. Women in general have a hard time receiving anyway. I know this from working in salons. And to hit the point home I said "In order to achieve we must allow ourselves to receive."

I didn't realize how profound that was gonna sound. In The Secret, one of the steps in reaching our goals is to receive. How many of us sabatoge ourselves just because we don't allow ourselves to receive?? When we allow ourselves to receive we give someone else a gift.

I try like hell to get my "Angel" friends to understand that one. They are ALWAYS giving yet have a hard time receiving. So I ask them "How does it make you feel to give?" They say "I love the way it makes me feel!" SO then I say "So why would you deny someone else that feeling??" SO remember by receiving, not only does that open yourself to achieving but you allow someone else to receive a gift!


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