Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Current mood: contemplative
Category: Life

Yes, that is just a nice way of saying quit sitting in your SHIT!! Why am I writing about this?? Well I'll tell you....

Having been around Light Workers for years now, one thing I have found is that many are good at sitting in their shit! In my humble opinion the term Light Worker is obsolete. Either you are a Light Warrior by now or just a Light Whiner! I am on several boards where all I see is Baaawaa baawaa this is happening to me, baawaa baawaa that is happening to me. ENOUGH ALREADY!!

I was having a conversation the other day with several people when we were discussing about sitting in one's own stool, feces, poopy, ect. What I said was when we sit in our shit we don't know who we are denying amazing experiences. What do I mean by that? Well, I'll you....

I worked for Doreen Virtue, a well known metaphysical author. I staffed her week long Angel classes (I'm not typing what it's called due to legal BS about how to write it) We were in Dublin Ireland for a class and afterwards Doreen and her husband Steven Farmer, also a wonderful author, were performing a handfasting ceremony for me and PB to renew our vows.

There were students from the class there at our friend's amazing 1 acre place in Wicklow. After the ceremony we stood in a circle & spoke a few words to everyone who attended. I thanked Doreen for stepping up and getting out of her shit and being the person she was meant to be. (Yea, I probably did say exactly that or something close to it) Because if she had stayed in her shit sitting at home with a weight problem, over indulging in a lot of different things feeling sorry for herself, NONE of us would be standing there right at that moment in the beautiful, magickal, Ireland!

NONE of us would have met! And how sad would that have been. I have met some amazing people staffing for Doreen. I have met & worked with the Princess Of Bali due to staffing. I got to meet and thank James Van Praagh in person due to staffing. A 10 yr. dream I had to meet him came true. I was author, Dolores Canon's driver because of staffing. What an honor to be able to spend time with this woman. I have met a lot of my soul family because of Doreen. This is just my experiences because Doreen stepped up to the plate. How many of you out there have read her books and it made a HUGE difference in your life?? "Read Light Worker's Way." She is very honest about where she was when she decided to start on to her REAL path.

Can you even imagine how sad it would've been if Doreen had been like many others, afraid to move forward and step into their power?? Don't let fear hold you back! Doreen started where many of us have been or are at.

That is why I say, if you're sitting in your shit you don't know who you are denying some incredible experiences or be the reason people meet. I could talk about how our store, even tho not open for long, changed some peoples' lives in a profound way. For that reason alone we have no regrets having opened it. Maybe that's the only reason we were suppose to open it.

So are you sitting on your stool or in your stool??


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