Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Funny Fanny! I know you UKers have a totally different meaning for fanny :-) But that name Funny Fanny does come from your part of the world too. I believe from a 007 spoof on a show once.

And the rest of you???? Get your mind out of the gutter!!

What's this really all about then? I hear you ask. Well, it's about a monthly girls night out that a local restarurant has. Every month they have a girl's night out with a theme. Remember my purdy feet and free wine story?? If not go back and read it!! This is the same event different month.

This month it was 007 Casino Royale. We were suppose to dress up like a Bond girl. Yea right! Then I guess I was going to be Halle Barry with a serious twinkie problem then!! Me and my cuz Chrissy discussed it and we decided to be a 1960's Bond girl. She was Pussy Galore and I was Funny Fanny for obvious reasons. Not because my fanny's funny but I am....so rumor has it.

The buffet was superb, the wine yummy, and the black jack dealer delicious!! According to Chrisitne anyways. Ok, he was a cutie patootie. I don't gamble other than the nickel slots in Vegas. But we weren't playing for money just chips to win a bottle of wine. I did not win this time. Although our table should've won something! We were the only ones dressed up! We take out themes very seriously. We are theme queens. We looked hot!!

Oh! Oh! oh! I almost forgot the best part! One of the women at my table who was a friend of my other friend there, couldn't beleive I was old enough to have a daughter who was married. She thought I was, now get this, drum roll PLLEEEEASE.......she thought I was 30-35!!!!! So I frenched her & we're now dating. Our husband's love it! And we get free Chinese food now since she owns a Chinese restaurant! She's my new best friend!!

It was a great night indeed. Although I had a hard time keeping Chrissy's attention. She couldn't stop drooling over our BL Jack dealer. But that's ok I had my new best friend beside me! :-)


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