Monday, June 05, 2006


Ok, before you go and get all excited, and by "you" I of course mean me. As I am the only one writing/reading this tripe.

My show in Palm Springs is sold out! Which is great! I'm not ungrateful or anything, but the unfortunate part is that the place only holds 10 people!! That's right 10! TEN! DIAZ! (however u spell it. My spell check doesn't do spanish. DAMMIT) I said 10! No matter how many ways I write it, it still is just 10. No more zeros after it, only one. How sad if I couldn't sell out a 10 seat crowd?? I'd have to hang up my comedy broom! But I did so I don't. Witchy Woman gets to fly another day!

Ten is a tough crowd even for the seasoned pro....which I am not...yet..almost. I have to work that much harder. I will have to be really animated, I know, a huge stretch for me...c'mon it is!! Alright! Maybe not a huge one. A great crowd is 20 or more. It's really great then.

I've done performances infront of 250 just not my full show, only 5 min. open mic. And let me tell ya, I'd rather have 25 that get it than 250 that don't!! Do You even know how crappy it is to have 250 people with blank stares then fear like they're sorry they left their garlic necklace and wooden stake at home?? And then you have to walk outta there with your coffin guitar case for your broom & try and act normal hoping there's no angry villagers with torches in the parking lot?? Yup! That was my life in the comedy clubs in the bible belt folks. Don't get me wrong, having 250 that DO get it would be awesome and I had only one night like that. I'd like to repeat it again! I wouldn't turn down a crowd of thousands either....for an audience not angry villagers w/torches! I want to make myself clear on that one!

My show in Laguna Hills could hold 60-70 (How cool would that be to have that be sold out!!??) but I don't know if Brandon is doing his thing and promoting it like he should. For what he is makin on it he should!! I love Brandon but he needs a good kick in the back side as far as marketing is concerned. And my friend Karen Curry is just the person to do it!! She's kicking ours. Go Karen! Go Karen! Go Karen! It's not your birthday! Kick his bootay!! Hey that was pretty good! I really should get into song writing!! But I really need to stay focused on one career at a time. Note to self, take song writing song writing class! I would kick ass! Look I rhymed again! Is there no end to my talent??......don't answer that! Remember I am a legend in my own mind!

Blessed be!


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