Wednesday, February 22, 2006


OMG! Somebody stop me!! I'm blogging and I don't know how to stop!! I was going to hook up with Gilad, really, I was but my son loves watching Cops, he loves seeing people in their disfunction, as do I. It's good quality mother son time. And since he's home schooled we consider Cops his criminal law studies. :^) I know, I see the straw.

Anyway he doesn't get the channel in his room so here I am again. Hey, it keeps me off the show Cops! LOL I have a 1/2 hr. then it's me and Gilad for real.

I'm losing interest in another board I've been on, to many rules and in coming here I realized I just like to babble and don't need anyone to listen. Sad, really, I know. Also I get to make the rules! And being the proper Diva that I am that works for me! So, not so sad, I am the Diva of my own domain!! Ok, it's only me here so I'm back to being sad again. Oh well, don't care. I am self amusing.

But the real reason I started this post is because I wanted to announce that I have sold 2 bottles of my perfume Wizdom already!! I am so excited! I love the stuff and I hope everyone else does too. I know they will. It's magickal stuff. Everything is hand put together. Obviously I didn't make the bottles. But the bags are hand made by my friend Denise Kessler. Bless her heart for offering. I'm sure she's having second thoughts about offering. I am the great Diva! I come up with the ideas and then delegate like any other great ruler! LOL LOL Yes, I know, delusions of grandeur, but it's my domain so I don't care! No one is the boss of me here! *evil echo laugh*

Ok, gotta catch the few moments of mother son time and our crimianl law studies & then it's me and Gilad....FOR REAL!

Blessed Be!


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